The leading national company with ISO 2001:2015 certification
The leading national company with ISO 2001:2015 certification
The leading national company with ISO 2001:2015 certification
Grease can be easily ignited in solid, liquid or vapor form. The statistics from the National Fire Protection Association indicate that in an average year there are 11,100 structure fires in eating and drinking establishments in the United States resulting in six civilian deaths, 189 civilian injuries and $163.1 million in direct property damage.
GreaseBusters was founded in 1971, specializing in the complete cleaning of kitchen exhaust hood systems. Our mission is providing highest quality hood cleaning service available in the industry. We deliver on this promise!
Originating in Washington D.C metropolitan area, we have grown to over 30 offices nationwide. We proudly service the industry’s most recognized brands and well-loved restaurants.
What happens after a flame ignites depends on the quality and frequency of your exhaust hood and fire suppression system. Don’t lose your business by a preventable fire due to improperly trained and insured hood cleaners. Let us keep you, your staff, your customers and your facility safe from the hazard of grease!
1 Selections from The U.S. Fire Problem Overview Report: Leading Causes and Other Patterns and Trends Eating and Drinking Establishments. 2001 p.107.
2 Ibid p. 108
3 Ibid p. 111
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